Health Improvement
- Mr Lawson (PTCG)
- Miss Croll
- Mr McGregor (Home Economics)
- Mrs McGrogan (Home Economics)
- Miss Mitchell (Home Economics)
- Mrs Watson (Home Economics)
- Miss Allan (PE)
- Mrs Christie (PE)
- Mr Martin (PE)
- Miss Philbin (PE)
- Mr Sludden (PE)
Welcome message
Within the Health improvement department health and wellbeing is the centre of what we do here. We strive to equip the students with the skills and knowledge that they will be able to take with them throughout their lives.
Home Economics
Within the Home Economics department the students learn a range of different skills. These include different hygiene practices, the equipment in the kitchen, basic fabric skills and a range of cookery processes.
Physical Education
Our physical education (PE) department aims to develop students’ competence and confidence to take part in a range of physical activities that become a central part of their lives, both in and out of school.
We expect pupils to come to the department prepared to learn. This includes an appropriate PE kit that they can use for learning before changing back into school uniform; Red Carnoustie high school top, black shorts, leggings or joggers and trainers. As well as a positive mindset to develop their physical, mental, emotional and social skills. Pupils that forget their PE kit will be asked to borrow from the department so they can be involved in the lesson. Pupils that are injured are still encouraged to bring kit where possible as they will be involved in the lesson in some way.
Additional Information
Home Economics –
Courses we offer
S1 – In the Kitchen
Sewing unit
S2 – Fuel for me
Techno tools (re-changing)
Fabric unit - Hand sewing
S3 – Practical cookery
Fashion and Textile Technology
Health and Food Technology
National 5 – Health and Food Technology
Practical cookery
Fashion and Textile Technology
Higher – Health and Food Technology
Fashion and Textile Technology
Extra curricular clubs are offered throughout the year young people should ask their teacher for more information. All recipes that are made in class can be made available to students via their Teams page. We encourage young people to ask their teacher to share these with them.
PE -
Throughout S1-S3 pupils will be delivered the BGE curriculum through 2 periods of core PE a week. Its purpose is to develop the knowledge, skills, attributes and capabilities of the four capacities of Curriculum for Excellence:
- Successful learners
- Confident individuals
- Responsible citizens
- Effective contributors
It is designed to provide the breadth and depth of education to develop flexible and adaptable young people with the knowledge and skills they will need to thrive now and in the future. It aims to support young people in achieving and attaining the best they possibly can.
In S3, pupils will be given the opportunity to select PE as an additional column and will receive a further 3 periods. The focus of this course is to introduce pupils to National 3-5 content that they will experience in 4th year. At the end of the year pupils will be put through a National 3 award where they will be assessed on their practical performance and their ability to write about the factors that impact on performance.
Senior phase
Pupils in S4 will continue to receive at least 1 period of core PE a week.
In S4 pupils that have chosen National PE will receive 5 periods of certificated PE a week. There they will continue to develop their knowledge of the 4 factors and their impact on performance. For the national course pupils will complete a portfolio in class under exam conditions over the course of the year and also be assessed competing in 2 performances.
In S5 and S6, pupils can choose to continue their studies in PE at National 5/Higher level (this will depend on what they have achieved in S4). Again, pupils will be assessed competing in 2 performances and will also complete a 2-and-a-half-hour exam.
In S6 pupils can choose to continue their progression from Higher PE in S5 and move onto Advanced Higher.
Sport leader
Extra curricular clubs are offered throughout the year young people should ask their teacher for more information.
Homework provided by the department will be used to develop and consolidate knowledge and skills covered in class. Any homework given will usually be set on Microsoft Teams, with, where necessary, printed worksheets for additional support.