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Carnoustie High School

Business, Computing and Technical


  • Mrs Couttie (PTCG)
  • Miss Pert (Business Management)
  • Mr Christie (Computing)
  • Mrs Swan (Computing)
  • Mrs Macarthur (Technical)
  • Mr McLorinan (Technical)
  • Mr Rowe (Technical)

Welcome message

Welcome to the Technologies faculty which is made up of Business Education, Computing and Technical. In the BGE pupils are offered one period per week in each of the above subject areas in S1 and S2 before moving on to S3 where they get 3 periods per week to focus more on subjects which they are interested in and want to pursue in the future.


Senior phase offers pupils a wide variety of choice across the 3 curriculum areas where they can study:


Accounting (N5/H)

Administration & IT (N3/N4/N5/H)

Business Management (N3/N4/N5/H)

Computing (N3/N4/N5/H)

Games Development (Level 4/5/6)

Design & Manufacture (N4/N5/H/AH)

Graphic Communication (N4/N5/H/AH)

Practical Woodworking (N4/N5)


Within all of our courses, pupils are taught real life skills as well as aspects which are relevant to the world of work.